
Pink Turns Blue!

Pink Turns Blue
Banda "influencial" Alemana creada en 1985 y que rapida mente coloco su primer LP "If two worlds kiss", demostrando un sonido remiscente al mas puro estilo del new Wave que se iba desarrollando con mucho auje en los años 80's a lo largo de toda Europa, aunque PTB agrego esos tonos un tanto obscuros y letras de tintes un tanto mas obscuros por lo que se los catalogo dentro del subgenero "darkwave".

Despues de muchos hits en su prodigiosa carrera en los 80's como: Michelle,Walking On Both Sides,Your Master Is Calling, The First, I Coldly Stare Out, Touch The Skies, Catholic Sunday, Missing You, If Two Worlds Kiss, Moon and Seven Years.

Pero no obstante su carrera se vio un tanto en decadencia a finales de los 80's lo que los llevo practicamente a la desintegracion y solo sacaban MCD's a lo largo de los 90's con excepcion de dos discos "Aerdt LP/CD 1991" y Sonic Dust CD 1992 y lanzando en el 95 un split con lo mejor de sus temas.

En el 2003, cuando parecía que Pink Turns Blue nunca volvería, Mic (cantante y guitarrista) decide aceptar una propuesta para volver a tocar algunos de los clásicos de la banda junto algunos de los antiguos miembros y su compañera en Orden (proyecto de Mic). Sorprendidos por la excelente acogida, deciden unirse de nuevo. Para hacer oficial su regreso, publican este recopilatorio 'Re-Union', donde Mic selecciona 13 de los temas más representativos del grupo y los remasteriza.

despues del disco "bestof" llamado Re-Union, Pink turns blue decidio volver al estudio y el 2005 lanzaron un nuevo material titula "phoenix" y el 2007 "ghost" con lo que la escena europea ha recuperado a uno de los grandes exponentes del darkwave de los 80's


English Version

Pink Turns Blue are an influential band from Berlin, Germany. Formed in 1985, they quickly put out their first LP, If Two Worlds Kiss expressing a sound reminiscent of New Wave with very dark undertones and use of synthesisers, only to become one of the pioneers of the developing sub-genre of darkwave.

After many hits like Michelle,Walking On Both Sides,Your Master Is Calling, The First, I Coldly Stare Out, Touch The Skies, Catholic Sunday, Missing You, If Two Worlds Kiss, Moon and Seven Years.

But nevertheless its career was seen a little in decadence to ends of the 80' s what I carry them practicaly to the desintegracion and only they relesed some MCD' s along the 90' s with excepcion of two disks "Aerdt LP/CD 1991" and Sonic Dust CD 1992 and release in the 95 a split with the some of the old material.

In the 2003, when it seemed that Pink Turns Blue never would return, Mic (singer and guitarist) decides to accept a proposal to touch again some of the classics of the together band some of the old members and its companion in Order (project of Mic). They surprised by the excellent reception, they decide to be united again. To do official its return, they publish this compilation 'Re-Union', where Mic selects 13 of the most representative themes of the group and remasters them.

after of the Cd "best of" call Re-Union, Pink turns blue decided to return to the studio and the 2005 they release a new regular material "phoenix" and the 2007 "ghost" with what the European scene has recovered to one of the large exponents of the darkwave of the 80' s

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†13th MOON† TV Interview @ Drop Dead Festival Lisbon 2008
† 13th MOON † First Live! "Blood or Love"
