

T.S.O.L o True Sound Of Liberty
Banda de Punk establesida en Orange COntry EE.UU en 1979
aunque tambien han grabado en estilos como Deatrock y Art Punk, porlo que se han convertido en un Icono de estas corrientes musicales a lo largo de sus 30 años de carrera, aunque recientemente en un comunicado en su Myspace anunciaron una ruptura, mas dejaron a expectativa un regreso para una gira juntos.
TSOL ha sido una banda que ha sufrido muchos cambios de alineacion a lo largo de sus mas de 15 discos incluyendo EP,Singles Y albums studio y uno en vivo.

TSOL tuvo una gran fama a lo largo de toda la escena Punk de california y despues de todo estados unidos ya que servian como banda de apoyo para bandas como: Dead kennedy's en ciudades como Los Angeles y San francisco.
para 1981 sacaron quiza anticipadamente su primer disco de studio llamado "Dance With me" que los impulso en la escena punk del sur de california y los llevo a tocar ante mas de 3 mil personas teniendo como telones a bandas como Bad Religion, Social Distortion y The adolecents.

Una de las razones fueron obvias para que la popularidad de la banda creciera de manera acelerada, ya que los integrantes de la banda eran bien parecidos, sus canciones eran "pegajosas" y sus actos en vivo eran mas energeticos y divertidos que los presentados por las demas bandas en su epoca.
Ellos sirvieron para la explosion del Punk Femenino en los 80's gracias a su cuidadosa manera de cantar y a sus temas sobre la muerte y baladas goticas como Silent Scream.
Convirtiendose en el primer fenomeno del punk llamado la invasion de OC

La Experimentacion dentro del Glam Metal!:

TSOL tambien incursiono por un breve momento dentro del Glam Metal o almenos lo intento.
Para su disco Revenge, ya habian ganado un sonido un tanto al estilo del Glam metal lo que los llevo a convertise en amigos de guns N' Roses y playeras de TSOL se pueden ver en el video de Sweet Child O' Mine.
Despues sacaron el disco "hit and run" con un sonido similar al anterior, pero antes de ser lanzado el guitarrista original Ron Emory dejo la banda dejando a Mike Roche como unico miembro Original de la banda.
Temporalmente se les unio Scotty Phillips pero se dejo la banda al poco tiempo de haber lanzado "hit and run", asi que contrataron temporalmente al guitarrista y actor marshall Ronher.
Despues vino el lanzamiento de "Strange Love" en 1990, pero poco tiempo antes de su lanzamiento Mike Roche decide dejar la banda, y asi TSOL se habia quedado sin ningun miembro original.

Mientras tanto los miembros originales y fundadores de TSOl empezaron un tour tocando las canciones de los primeros materiales de la banda utilizando tmb el Nombre de TSOL, muchas veces tocando el mismo dia y en la misma ciudad donde el otro TSOL se encontraba tocando aunque dos de los miembros del nuevo TSOL poseian legalmente el nombre de la banda. por lo que adrementaron a los antiguos miembros de la banda para que dejaran de tocar bajo el nombre de TSOL.
pero pronto los miembros originales Grisham, Roche, Emory, Barnes debido a sus problemas con las drogas.

En 1996, la mayoria de los integrantes originales se propusieron realizar su pasion por la musica que habian hecho y lo que los fans demandaban... A TSOL REUNIDO!. Asi para 1999, pelearon en la corte por el derecho legitimo del nombre y ganaron poco antes de unirse al "Vans Wraped Tour" tocando por primera vez bajo el nombre de TSOL despues de mucho tiempo. Lamentablemente para este tiempo el Baterista Barnes habia muerto, pero los miembros restantes reclutaron a jay O'Brian y lanzaron el disco "anticop" para despues con la integracion de Greg Kuehn de regreso en los teclados lanzado dos mas Full Legth albums.

English version

T.S.O.L or True Sound Of Liberty is a punk Band established in Orange COntry USA in 1979 though also they have recorded in styles as Deatrock and Art Punk, and thats why they have turned into an Icon of these musical currents throughout its almost 30 years of career, though recently in a communiqué in its Myspace they announced a break, but has left to expectation a return for a tour together.
TSOL has been a band that has suffered many changes of alignment along its mor than 15 discs including EP, Singles And albums studio and the live one.

TSOL had a great reputation along the whole scene Punk of california and after along alld USA, since they appear as band of support for bands as: Dead kennedy's in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.
For 1981 they Release maybe highly anticipated their first disc of studio called "Dance With me " that I stimulate in the scene punk of the south of california and lead them to Playing before more than Three thousand people having as curtains to bands like Bad Religion, Social Distortion and The adolecents.

One of the reasons they were obvious in order that the popularity of the band was growing in an intensive way, since the members of the band were quite cute, their songs were "catchy" and their live acts were mas energetic and enterteining that the presented ones for the other bands at that age.
They served to the explosion of the Femenine Punk in early 80's thanks to their careful way of singing and to Their topics about death and Gothic ballads as Silent Scream.
Turning into the first phenomenon of the punk called OC's invasion

The Experimentation inside the Glam Metal!:

TSOL also Experiment for a brief moment inside the Glam Metal or at leats they try.
For their disc Revenge, already haf gained a sound rather in the style of the Glam metal that lead them to became in friends of guns N ' Roses and T-shirts of TSOL can be seen in Sweet Child O' Mine Video.
soon they release the disc " hit and run " with a sound similar to the previous one, but before the original guitarist Ron Emory quit the band leaving Mike Roche as the only origial member of the band.
Temporarily Scotty Phillips join them but he leave the band a little time later of the released of " hit and run ", this way that contracted temporarily the guitarist and actor marshall Ronher.
time later came the release of "Strange Love" in 1990, but a little time before of the release Mike Roche decides to leave the band, and this way TSOL had had left without none original member.

Meanwhile the original and founding members of TSOl began a tour playing the songs of the first materials of the band using also TSOL's Name, infact some times playing at the same day and in the same city where another TSOL was playing though two of the members of the new TSOL had the legal right for the name of the band. For that reason they Threated to the Original members of the band to stop Playing under TSOL's name.
But soon the original members Grisham, Roche, Emory, Barnes quit to play due their Drugs issues.

In 1996, themost of the original members proposed to realize their passion for the music that they had made and what the fans were demanding... a TSOL REUNITED!.in 1999, they fought in the court for the legitimate right of the name and won little before joining the " Vans Wraped Tour " Playing for the first time under TSOL's name in many time. Unfornutantly for this time the drummer Barnes has dead, but the remaining members recruited jay O'Brian and released the disc "anticop" and time later with Greg Kuehn's fetured in the keyboards released two more Full Legth albums.

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†13th MOON† TV Interview @ Drop Dead Festival Lisbon 2008
† 13th MOON † First Live! "Blood or Love"
