
The Deadfly Ensemble

The Deadfly Ensemble!, Banda Fundada por Lucas Lanthier (Cinema Strange) en Montreal Canada!
Despues de que el artista se mudase de California hacia esta ciudad donde tambien tiene la banda Shanghai Triad!.
Pero hablemos de The Deadfly Ensemble!
The Deadfly ensemble es creado a finales de 2004 tiempo en que Luca Lucas Lanthier se mudara a Canada, donde conociera a James Powell, Yi-Hsiuan Lee y Ashkelon Sain y comenzaran este singular proyecto de Dark cabbaret, cuya musica como lo dice su genero se remonta a aquel sonido que se llegara a tocar en los años 40's y 50's en los cabbarets de Europa.

Rapidamente y como era de esperarse The Deadfly Ensemble combro fuerza y popularidad en la escena gotica, ya que al ser lidereada por el vocalista de la banda mas representativa del deathrock contemporaneo llamo la atencion entre los oyentes de este genero y ademas de ganarse adeptos de los ya fanaticos de este genero musical.

The deadfly ensemble saca su album debut "An Entire Wardrobe of Doubt and Uncertainty" en el 2006, aunque previamente al lanzamiento del mismo The Deadfly ya se habia presentado en varias partes de America,Europa y Asia.Despues de el lanzamiento de su disco se incorpora a la Alineacion Marcia Rangel(Scarlet's Remains).

A palabras del propio Lucas, The Deadfly ensemble es el proyecto que lo llena mas como artista, y se refiere a a Cinema Strange como un proyecto parpadeante, que continuara, pero solo por cortos periodos de tiempo, ya que esta mas interesado en la segunda grabacion de The Deadfly Ensemble que inclusive ha dejado de escribir letras para CS.
Ademas del hecho de que el resto de la CS aun radica en california y el no tiene planes de regresar a los EE.UU por el momento, por lo que los rumores del fin de CS despues de 13 años de trayectoria toman cada vez mas fuerza!

English Version

The Deadfly Ensemble!, Band Founded by Lucas Lanthier (Cinema Strange) in Montreal Canada! after that the artist moved from California toward this city where also has the band Shanghai Triad!. But we speak of The Deadfly Ensemble!. The Deadfly ensemble is created by the end of 2004 time in which Lucas Lanthier moved to Canada, where met James Powell, Yi-Hsiuan Reads and Ashkelon Sain and they began this singular project of Dark cabbaret, whose music as says it its I generate goes back to that sound that came to being played in the years 40' s and 50' s in the cabbarets of Europe.

quitly and as was to be expected The Deadfly Ensemble take force and popularity into the gothic scene, since it was being leadered by the singer of the band most representative of the contemporanian deathrock and call the atencion among the listeners of this genre I generate won even more followers of the already fans of this genre.

The deadfly ensemble released their album début "An Entire Wardrobe of Doubt and Uncertainty" in the 2006, although previously of the same one The Deadfly already itself had had presented in several parts of America, Europe and Asia.after of the released of The CD Marzia Rangel Join to the band

In words of Lucas himself, The Deadfly ensemble is the projects that full all his expectatives as an artist, and refers to to Cinema Strange like a project intermittent in which continued, but alone by short periods of time, since he's most interested in the second one grabacion of The Deadfly Ensemble that inclusive has left to write letters for CS. also of the fact that the other members of the CS even situates in california and the does not have plans to return to the United States for the moment, for which the rumors of the end of CS after of 13 years of career maybe it would be the end of CS.

1 comentarios:

  1. alukard says:

    este sujeto ya tiene disco? si es asi aver si puedes subirlo de ante mano graicas

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†13th MOON† TV Interview @ Drop Dead Festival Lisbon 2008
† 13th MOON † First Live! "Blood or Love"
