Anorexic Dread!
Una Banda poco conocida, pero altamente recomendable
Anorexic Dread, formado en Southend en julio de 1983 y que existio hasta 1985, y durante este tiempo tocaron fabuloso conciertos locales, asi como un concierto a lado de Alien Sex Fiend en Crocs, asi como tambien llegaran a tener algunas presentaciones en lugares como "The Batcave", el trataron de lanzar un single de 12""tracey's burning" en 1984, influenciadios inicialmente por bandas como The birthday party, killing joke y The cramps, su primier alineacion fue Phil Black (ex-Time in Motion) como vocalista, Andi Schurer(ex-convicted)en la guitarra, Pat Moriarty en los teclados y Donald Frame (ex-occult)en la bateria. si primer presentacion fue una ocasion desastroza en "The Zero 6" el lunes 18 de julio de 1983, donde la mitad de la audiencia se marcho desilucionada y desagusto.
Hablando con la prensa local en agosto de ese año Phil explico que la estica de la banda asi: "Nosotros tomamos cada concierto como viene y como realmente nos motiva y es cerca de 10 minutos antes de la presentacion en el escenario, que nuestra adrenalina empieza a bombear furiozamente y nosotros simplemente dejamos guiarnos por la excitacion" despues aseguro que "entonces vamos al escenarioa disfrutarnos a nosotros mismos, toda nuestra idea es ir a escena y perdernos a nosotros mismos en el la presentaciony disfrutarla. tu solo vas al escenario y se convierte en nada personal,sino que todo es un simbolo de gozo.
No mucho despues del debut de la banda en escena,hubo un cambio de guitarrista, y Leonard Finch se les unio.La banda tenia un corto set de canciones en ese tiempo, Incluyendo "tracey's burning,"She's Beautiful and She's mine","Dragnet","tick tock" y "limelight", asi que fueron a los estudios Diploma a tratar de capturar en su sonido en vivo, y el resultado es el nada famoso 'tracey's burning'12" que fue lanzado por Criminal records en 1984. Reseñado por Alan Wheeler en "the evening echo" como: "un latir, de Psychobilly,bateria zombiepunk,bajo tinteneante en lo lejos,mientras la guitarra chilla por encima de todo.Lo mas insoportable es la tencion ironica y sobrecortada de Phil a la hota de cantar. Este hipnotico y horroroso materia es inflamable de alta preoridad, alta mente recomendable asi que sugiero que vayan a comprar este disco".
A finales de 1984 una futura cambio de alineacion ocurrio, como Phil Explico en su momento:"Nosotros teniamos que hacerlo funcionar, desde que nuestro guitarrista Leonar Finchy se fue de tour tras The Cure, pero ahora tenemos un nuevo guitarrista, Andy Fisher, quien solia tocar el bajo para Kronstadt Uprising. La banda comenzo a introducir letras de temas mas serios para ese entonces,aun cuando Phil mantenia en pie la idea de "Nosotros no queremos salirnos de la diversion en la musica.El nuevo material sera hecho de una manera bailable, aun cuando el contenido de la letra sea mas serio"
No mucho despues de su presentacion en "The batcave" a principios de 1985 la banda toco con la nueva alineacion, como banda de apoyo para sus idolos Killing Joke, en el Queens Hotel, y continuando con esto la grabacion del nuevo Demo conteniendo temas tales como "dark night in london" con la que evidenciaron una direcion mas Rock n roll obscuro, tristemente, no mucho despues de la grabacion, la banda rompio y fueron en caminos separados, pero "Tracey's Burning" aun aparece en los Dj's playlist alrededor del mundo lo que garantiza la eternidad de esta banda.
Lamentablemente su segundo demo jamas vio la luz, por lo que solo se tiene el single de 12" con los temas de :'Tracey's Burning' c/w 'Epitaph' + 'Tick Tock'
English Version
Anorexic Dread formed in Southend in July 1983 and existed until 1985, and in that time played some fantastic local shows, such as their gig with Alien Sex Fiend at Crocs, as well as playing further afield at venues such as The Batcave, and they managed to release the 12" single 'Tracey's Burning" in 1984. Influenced initially by bands like The Birthday Party, Killing Joke and The Cramps, their first line up was Phil Black on Vocals (ex- Time in Motion), Andi Schurer (ex- Convicted etc) on Guitar, Pat Moriarty on Keyboards and Donald Frame (ex-Occult) on Drums. Their first gig was a riotous occasion at The Zero 6 on Monday July 18th, 1983, where half the audience walked out in disbelief and disgust.
Speaking to the local press in August that year, Phil explained the Dread aesthetic thus "We take each gig as it comes and what really turns us on is that about 10 minutes before we go on stage our adrenaline starts pumping furiously and we leap up and down with excitement". He continues "Then we go on stage and have just as much of a lunatic time leaping around. We don't take what we do seriously. We go onstage to enjoy ourselves and we invariably do." Also, "Our whole idea is to just go on stage and lose ourselves in in the performance and the enjoyment of it. You just go on stage and become nothing as a personality, but everything as a symbol of enjoyment."
Not too long after the bands debut performance, there was a change on the guitar position and Leonard Finch joined. The band had quite a set of songs at this time, including 'Tracey's Burning', 'She's Beautiful and She's Mine', 'Dragnet', 'Tick Tock' and 'Limelight'. They went in to Diploma Studios to try and capture their live sound, and the result was the infamous 'Tracey's Burning' 12" as released on Criminal Damage records in 1984. Reviewed by Alan Wheeler in the Evening Echo, he had this to say "A throbbing, psychobilly, zombiepunk drum and bass beat niggle away in the mix while the guitar screetches and squeals over it. This almost unbearable tension is ironically undercut with Phil's ritualistic chant. This hypnotic horror is inflammable material of the highest order. And the Munster-like mush of the B-Side 'Tick Tock' is just about as searing and vital as you will want to get his side of the crematorium. I severely suggest you go out and buy this record. It will do you in."
In late 1984, a further line up change occurred. As Phil explained at the time "We have been operating on a skeleton crew since our guitarist Leonard de Finchy went away on tour roadying for The Cure, but now we have a new guitarist, Andy Fisher, who used to play Bass in Kronstadt Uprising." The band started to introduce more serious lyrical themes at his time, although Phil was keen to point out that "We don't want to get away from the fun element in the music. The new stuff is going to be done in a danceable way, even if the content of the lyrics is more serious."
Not long after the Batcave Show, early in 1985 on Sunday January 20th, the band played with their new line up supporting a band they greatly admired, Killing Joke, at the Queens Hotel, and following on from this recorded a new demo, containing tracks such as 'Dark Night in London' which evidenced a darker, more R 'n' R direction. Sadly not too long after the recording though, the band split and went their separate ways, but 'Tracey's' Burning' still appears on DJ playlists around the globe and has guaranteed the band their place in eternity.
'Tracey's Burning' c/w 'Epitaph' + 'Tick Tock' single12"
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